Demonstration of Lib-Vicky dance at Remote Locations:
Cost: Travel expense for 2 persons (Vicky and Nate) from Fort Lauderdale, airfare, taxi if needed, plus fee, plane arranged by host and prepaid.
Fee: Negotiable, in accord with current practice for initial speakers. Agreed amount in advance.
Music: Provided by host, band or D.J., or recording, plus microphone, speakers, dance hall.
Duration: Normally 1 day for 4-6 hours/day.
Services: Vicky and Nate will provide 1) a demonstration of the Lib-Vicky Dance, give a talk describing the origin and distinctive features of the dance and the Psychological reason for each feature, distribute a handout listing each distinctive feature, 4) group instruction by arranging for mutual partners feedback, possibly partnering with volunteers, 5) respond to audience questions in a question-answer period.
Calendar: Weedays and Weekends
If yes, we will contact you. If not, please contact us when the information is available.
Thank you for your interest.
Thank you for your interest.
Our objective is to make this new type of dance widely available.
To watch the entire playlist again, click here: